
Sunday, July 03, 2005

Ladies! Something to cheer you up




Anonymous said...

loool recognition ,, at last

Purgatory said...

that is fake.

Papillona ® said...

BB!!!! my baby!! how have you been?

Papillona ® said...

Purg, That is Fun :)
I guess you dont know that anymore

Flamingoliya said...

3ashaw el bloggerinas.

mishu1984 said...


E3younAlbak said...

i'm loving it :) purg, i'll make them one that looks more realistic within the month to make you happy. (insha'allah) ok everyone i have a question and would like an answer. i will be in kuwait in december insha'Allah. i want to know if you know each other in real life. and im not just talking to the girls here... ya3ni is your friendship only online or is it in life as well... have you hung out and such?? my curiosity has taken over... because i would like to be able to meet yall when i go there... i would hate to go and have to hang out with old people the whole time... and be BORED!! i know its totally off subject bas im serious!! :)

2 Second Club ® said...

LOL.. sweet!!

Papillona ® said...

Flamingoliya :))

Welcome to KSGS :)
to answer your question, I don't know any bloggers out of the blogosphere.
Kuwait is too small i'm sure I would know some, if not personally, it could be through friends. But I haven't met one yet :)

where are you from?

The Don, enta il sweetness killa

E3younAlbak said...

thank you sarah, i'm of palestinian decent, but am first generation american, i have family in kuwait and will be visiting them in december insha'Allah