
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Do you love what you see?

Do you love what you see when you look in the mirror?

Hollywood and fashion, cosmetics and diet industries work hard to make each of us believe that our bodies are unacceptable and need constant improvement. TV shows tell women and teenage girls that plastic surgery is good for self-esteem. Does that tell you kuwaiti women have low self-esteem? Everyone wants the perfect look! is that any wonder that more than 80% of young teenage girls have been on some form of diet!!

Women and girls spend millions of KDd every year on cosmetics, fashion, magazines and diet aids trying to reach impossible standards! Perfect bodies are every where on Printed ads and TV commercials.. how much does is affect you? and how far could it go?

Some offensive ads :

Winston tries to convince young women how tough and cool they can be by smoking while waiting for a man. Hope he arrives soon...before lung cancer sets in.
What is it about selling alcohol that makes advertisers want to belittle and insult women...does it really make men feel more powerful? Don't answer that.

This is an ad for luggage, right? And the nearly naked bronzed woman is there because...? When creativity fails, insert sex!!

and don't make me start about Arabs ads and commercials.. so pathetic and they give bad images of arabs life and mentality and the way women are beeing treated. It's 2005 for crying out loud! anyway, back to our subject..

What can you do?
  • Learn how to love your body
  • Create your own possitive standard
  • learn more about how advertising affects women's health, body image and self-esteem.
  • Make a pact with yourself to treat your body with respect
  • Give yourself a break from women's magazines and the mass media
  • Try a new physical activity just for fun, not to lose weight
  • Stop weighing yourself
  • Change your goal from weight loss to improving your health.

*Love your body*


Equalizer said...

This is not realistic. True that the media has an effect, but it is society that drives it. the media does not popularize any subject, but rather reflects what people already beleive in! So more people beleive in it and so forth. Its a viscous circle. Issues like looks and beauty has to be dealt with in ultimate realism. Realism! This is what governs our daily life. You can fight realism and eventually win on a personal level or go with the flow and still win on wider society level. It depends on what kind of winner you want to be. You wanna get married quick? you better look good! You want to get married but for who you are....get ready for a long tedious battle.

Papillona ® said...

sc welcome hun

shopa hehehe I wouldn't do that!

equalizer, I have to disagree with you :) Media has a huge influence on our openion and believes, some times media leads you to believe in something you never thought of.. it is one of the most important means to make and lead 'public openion'..

Not all people want to look good so they can get married, marriage has nothing to do with WHY you take a good care of yourself and looks. sometimes marriage makes you hate yourself so much that you don't even want to look at yourself in the mirror talking about realism.

welcome to ksgs

Papillona ® said...
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Equalizer said...

Commercials and advertising with "sexual" messages, does not increase people's tendencies to be more sexually active. Why does this sell in the media? People want it! media convinces people that its ok to want it and that it is a popular thing. It is the social breakdown that dictates how people behave and do. As for marriage it is very much linked to looks especially in Kuwait, where in interactivity amogst the sexes is almost limited, so all what you have at hand is a "look" and this is the general view. Other factors start to kick in only after this stage.

Papillona ® said...

I am talking about media creaing a certain standard of beauty and pushing people to do anything possible to reach that "impossible standard" as for sex yes 'sex sells'

Papillona ® said...

M, that is exactly why I posted this, see! you hate your looks even when others wish they have it. try seeing what others see in you.. try thinking what if this looks worse, then you will feel glad of what you are and how you look :)

The way you look is a reflection of the way you feel..

you have every reason to feel good about yourself :)

Flamingoliya said...

add to media, small sized outfits out there that make you diet just to find something to wear.

António Araújo said...

hmmm...actually, about the add with the luggage, I'm not so sure...apart from the obvious sexual innuendo, there is a certain justification for the girl...her stance sugests lightness. The heavy bag she is sitting on contrasts with the one on top and with her stance, therefore transmitting the notion that the whole luggage feels light, and therefore attractive to the buyer who has to carry it.

I think it's more justified than most adds of the sort. Look at the colour scheme, going lighter with pulls the whole thing up, suddenly even the heavy bag seems just about to lift if she doesn't hold it down!

Sorry, but this one is good, and it is (partly) indeed about luggage. :)

The way of the indescreet mechanical pencil