
Saturday, October 29, 2005

New Member

by Flamingoliya

Girls, we have a new member!
Say Hi to Mama Fusla

I ran out of "new member" pic ideas, so I thought profile pics would be nice :)

Change of Template

by Flamingoliya

Dear all,
I'm changing the template.. so please bare with me.

I'm still looking for a side picture... suggestions are welcome.

One MAJOR thing I noticed is that posts aren't named after members!! So till I find out how to change it, please add your name at the start of your posts the way I did with this post.

Thank you

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Member

by Flamingoliya

Please welcome Judy :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How Low Will You Go?

by MissCosmoKuwait

With all those Ramadan episodes full of deception and betrayal, I was wondering how far a woman would go when she finds out that she's been betrayed.

I recall a true story when a girl caught her then boyfriend with another girl. She picked up the first brick on the ground and slammed it right into the front window of his car. Nobody got hurt but I couldn't say that about his car and a fancy, sports car it was or used to be in this case. Then there was this other girl who faced the same circumstances and ended up heading straight to the "other" girl and soon it was a cat fight much to the man's joy. Ugh!

So the question is, when it comes to betrayal from the love of your life, how low would you go?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My First Post as a Member of the Kuwait Single Girls Society

by Delicately Realistic

Yay! I'm so happy to be part of the team, I feel so special! I'm part of the 'In crowd' as MissCosmo put it. Thank you girls for inviting me to join.

Big kiss for: Flamingoliya, Blossom, LittleBig, MissCosmoKuwait, Shopaholic Q8eya, Sloth, Spontaneousnessity and Salted-Caramel!

My post is inspired by the sweet Papillona's post about Guilt & Regret. This question is going to be more focused on relationship's and relationship doodee's to be more specific. I'm sure most of us have gotten ourselves involved in relationships lacking in affection and aspiration, while the other party feels the exact opposite. It is a very sticky situation to get yourself into, and you end up contemplating the different strategies of rejection. Be gentle? Or be truthful about the whole matter? You could always take the easy route and be deceitful by hiding behind juvenile excuses you know are inexcusable. Another approach could be the cruel tough guy/girl act. This is where you push yourself to be as brutal and nasty as possible, in the weak attempt to push the person into hating you and just moving on. I call this the 3abdel 7aleem Method (remember Ma3bodat ilJamaheer?) There are many other methods of destruction that I can think of, but I'd like to hear your views on this matter. That said, my question is obvious.

What is your strategy?
What is the worst you have done to end a relationship and why?

Hehe it turns out they are more than one question, but you'll forgive me I know :)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Friday, October 14, 2005


by MissCosmoKuwait

When it comes to being SKF (Single Kuwaiti Females) which one of the following attitudes should one follow:

(1) One day my Prince will show up on a white horse and I'm going to concentrate really hard in my own imagination to make it happen...

(2) There's no such thing as a Prince with a white horse, only a dishdasha with a car and he's never going to show up anyway 'coz life sucks!

(3) I'm having a great life, going out with friends, going to the gym and doing plenty of socializing...Prince?...who needs him?

(4) Oh my God...I'm still everybody and get them to set me up with anyone...I can't stand one more minute of being single!

(5) I've heard enough sad stories about marriages and divorces and I think the whole marriage concept is overrated...I say staying single is actually a blessing in disguise

(6) Sooner or later the committed phobia man will finally pop the question and I'm sticking to him till he does

(7) Men are like Persian carpets..the more you step on them..the more precious they become...and the nastier I am the more likely he'll end up marrying me

(8) The more I party with my single friends, the more likely I will bump into my soul mate

(9) The more I socialize with my Mother or married friends, the more likely I'll meet my future mother-in-law who will lead me to him

(10) The more frogs I kiss...the more likely I'll find myself kissing the Prince

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Desperately Seeking Cosmo Advise

OK Ladies...this is my first post on Kuwaiti Cosmopolitan...this is so exciting...I'm finally in the "In" crowd!..:)...and I've been dyeing to ask this question...if Flamingoliya's picture is anything like what she looks like in "real" life...where did she get that awesome haircut from? It's too cool. So here's my question, where do you cool ladies get your hair done? I'm basically sick and tired of cutting my hair at Shadows, I need a professional haircut but there are more beauty salons in Kuwait than there are bakalas so I'm lost. What's the name of your favorite beauty salon in Kuwait and who do you recommend to give you a decent haircut?

New Member

Say hi to MissCosmoKuwait :)

Monday, October 03, 2005


مبارك عليكم شهر رمضان المبارك

Sunday, October 02, 2005


If you were born on October..

What October reveals about you:
  • Loves to chat.
  • Loves those who loves them.
  • Loves to takes things at the center.
  • Inner and physical beauty.
  • Lies but doesn't pretend.
  • Gets angry often.
  • Treats friends importantly.
  • Always making friends.
  • Easily hurt but recovers easily.
  • Daydreamer.
  • Opinionated.
  • Does not care of what others think.
  • Emotional.
  • Decisive.
  • Strong clairvoyance.
  • Loves to travel, the arts and literature.
  • Touchy and easily jealous.
  • Concerned.
  • Loves outdoors.
  • Just and fair.
  • Spendthrift.
  • Easily influenced.
  • Easily loses confidence.
  • Loves children.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Pink October

Pink October

>>Pink October<<

Hope. Strength. Courage.
It's the first day of October! Do you know what that means?! It means that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!



الوردة الأولى : تذكري أن ربك يغفر لمن يستغفر ، ويتوب على من تاب ، ويقبل من عاد.
الوردة الثانية : ارحمي الضعفاء تسعدي ، و أعطي المتحاجين تشافي ، ولا تحملي البغضاء تعافي.
الوردة الثالثة : تفاءلي ، فالله معك ، والملائكة يستغفرون لك ، والجنة تنتظرك .
الوردة الرابعة : امسحي دموعك بحسن الظن بربك ، واطردي همومك بتذكر نعم الله عليك .
الوردة الخامسة : لا تظني بأن الدنيا كملت لأحد ، فليس على ظهر الأرض من حصل له كل مطلوب ، وسلم من أي كدر .
الوردة السادسة :كوني كالنخلة عالية الهمة ، بعيدة عن الأذى ، إذا رميت بالحجارة ألقت رطبها
الوردة السابعة :هل سمعت أن الحزن يعيد ما فات ، وان الهم يصلح الخطأ ، فلماذا الحزن والهم ؟!
الوردة الثامنة : لا تنتظري المحن والفتن ، بل انتظري الأمن والسلام والعافية إن شاء الله .
الوردة التاسعة : أطفئي نار الحقد من صدرك بعفو عام عن كل من أساء لك من الناس .
الوردة العاشرة : الغسل والوضوء والطيب والسواك والنظام أدوية ناجحة لكل كدر وضيق.
من كتاب ... اسعد إمراة في العالم
للشيخ د. عائض القرني